Mrs. Griz    

By Jacob

Dear Journal,
    I’m sitting under a tree, in the shade, behind Modular B. The ground is blanketed by pine fronds, dead and slowly decaying, on the ground. There are thorns, a little poison ivy, and the odd young flower at the base of the pine tree; some old, rusty rods and blocks of wood are behind it. The still fresh morning dew glistens on the threads of a spider’s nest as it waits for a mid-morning snack. Meanwhile, a young garter snake slithers inside one of the pipes, in hopes of locating some food. The breeze is blowing a fragrant smell, rustling the leaves as it goes. Birds are landing in the trees as the wind blows them in, shaking more fronds onto my head.  I hear them singing their songs as they fly off, while buzzing bees are droning lazily. Ants are marching, and flies are racing.  Crickets are playing their songs in the background, while grasshoppers are jumping to and fro.  The sun is breaking through the trees, as an ant crawls up my pant leg. The ongoing murmur from inside Modular B has gotten a little quieter – just a little.  Out past the pine tree is a small pond fenced in on the far side by lots of healthy pine trees.
                        With all due thoughts and respect,
9/17/2010 12:28:40 am

Very Nice! I like how you described the nature that was right outside of Modular B!

9/17/2010 12:53:45 am

I enjoyed reading this paper because you described everything clearly, good job.

9/17/2010 12:59:31 am

Very good detail that really described the place you were in. It wouldn't have been hard to get a picture of you and your surroundings just reading your words. Also, nice double: "Ants are marching, and flies are racing." I think those are called doubles or something.

9/17/2010 02:19:45 am

Wow! You described where you were very well. I like how you brought out things we don't even notice, like crickets chirping, and ant crawling around.

joe = jonah
9/17/2010 04:58:25 am

I can see the little ants marching around on the ground. I can here the birds calling. Good job!

9/17/2010 07:27:39 am

I love how this was all just outside Modular B. I don't really think about how much life is behind the church. Especially the snakes...
Good job!

Mrs. Griz
9/19/2010 01:04:37 pm

Wonderful journaling Jacob!

I love your word choice. You really chose each word carefully to clearly describe your surroundings ! I love that you said, "the ground is blanketed..." And I really love the sentence, "The still fresh morning dew glistens on the threads of a spider’s nest as it waits for a mid-morning snack." What a picture you've captured with words! Kuddos for letting the garter snake slither on by! ;)

Very nice job!!!

9/21/2010 05:02:21 am

Great descritiveness! i think you did a wonderful job describing with all of the senses.

Micah Lee
9/21/2010 11:37:45 pm

I loved all the descriptive details especially the part about the spider, because I love spiders.


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