Mrs. Griz    

By Kat

For me, nothing is more beautiful than my grandparents’ home. They live on top of a mountain in North Carolina, over 4,000 feet high. The road to their home is winding and curvy. It makes me slightly nauseous to look over the guardrail and down at the little valley and river below. It’s quite different to go up there; a big change in scenery. There are huge mountains, fields filled with flowers, and wildlife all around. My home in Knoxville isn’t quite like that…

As soon as we pull up to the house and I step out of the car, I’m hit with a blast of air that smells of flowers and fresh air. Grandmommie’s flower beds are always bursting with different plants, no matter what the season. The fields that run parallel to their driveway have all sorts of different wildflowers like Queen Anne’s Lace, Black-eyed Susan, daisies, Bee Balm, and Butterfly Weed. I would venture further into the fields if there weren’t so many ticks and chiggers.

Their house faces acres and acres of forest, filled with all sorts of wildlife. Papa loves to take us on hikes and stop every few steps to point something out to us or share a funny story that has nothing to do with anything. He’s marked trails all over the forest. One curves around whale rock (a huge boulder in the formation of a whale), another travels even further up to the cliff, while a different one might just take us to the property line. My favorite, though, is the one that leads to the swing. A few winters ago, my uncle made a tree swing on one of the oak trees. The trail to get there is uphill, so I’m always a little winded by the time we reach it. The swing makes my stomach do flip flops as I go at least fifteen feet into the air. It’s like I can fly.

At night, we bundle up in the great room to watch an old movie while eating desert. Their wool blankets are coarse against my skin, but it’s almost comforting. They smell like magnolias and wool, a scent that is totally my grandparents.

My sister and I like to go outside and lay on the driveway with blankets at night, looking up at the clear, beautiful sky. There aren’t any other lights up there, so we can see the stars perfectly. On a flawlessly clear night, I can see satellites circling the atmosphere and shooting stars. Occasionally a coyote howls in the distance. It gives me shivers just looking up at the big clear sky and being surrounded by nature. It just reminds me again how amazing God is.
9/16/2010 08:36:04 am

This paper is very descriptive and I enjoyed reading it because of how you described the beauty of where your grandparents live. I felt good reading this story because it reminded me of my grandparents and my expierences with them, and I think it will remind everyone at least a litlle bit about their own grandparents. I found lots of descriptive adjectives and it just made everything come together smoothly. This is well written paper and I really enjoyed reading it.

9/16/2010 08:52:59 am

This is a very well written paper! I can just see a mountain and then a houses, out in the middle of no where. You did a good job! :)

9/16/2010 09:13:31 am

niiiiiiice. Very decriptive and well written. I liked it a lot.

9/17/2010 12:37:54 am

Loved it Kat!! It was very descriptive. It made me feel warm on the inside! I loved how you were talking about the nature, it sounded beautiful! I could even hear a bird chirping in the background!

9/17/2010 01:07:59 am

Really reminds me of my grandparents house... in North Carolina. Sounds like y'all have fun there. I'm guessing y'all don't have to mow their lawn, which would definitely make it more fun haha. Just wondering what about a random soccer field made you think of all that?

9/17/2010 02:29:04 am

That was written very well! It reminds me of our house, since i live in the middle of the woods on a hill. It sounds like you guys have a blast there!

9/17/2010 07:25:01 am

William: I could see the mountains from the field and I thought of North Carolina. (:

Mrs. Griz
9/19/2010 01:09:16 pm

I love that you wrote about something that YOU love. You also wrote about something that you know...something that you know well. This shows in the confidence in your voice as you describe a place that is dear to you. Because you chose a subject that holds a lot of sweet memories for you it makes the reader understand how you feel. Awesome! :)

9/19/2010 11:02:41 pm

Well done, Katherine. Very nice organization and word choice. Good descriptions too, I could almost see it!

9/21/2010 05:11:13 am

9/21/2010 05:15:07 am

(the one above was not supposed to have been submitted sorry haha)
Fanstatic word choice and descriptions! It's almost in my mind like my own memory! And good job on the sensory descriptions too.

Micah Lee
9/21/2010 11:52:44 pm

I love how this is something personal and you shared it with us. I reminds me so much of visiting my great grandparents in WV. Great paper I love all of the details and the way the paper flowed.

1/6/2011 02:40:31 pm

Happy every day in new year

1/14/2011 02:21:28 pm

I have always found that if I move with 75% or more of the facts, I usually never regret it. It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy


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