Mrs. Griz    

By Anna

The tree is sitting on top of a little mound of mulch, and the leaves are blowing in the slight breeze.  It is a small tree, probably only a few years old. The large leaves are still green and are very wide, almost circular except for a pointed tip. The tree’s bark is smooth and painted different shades of gray. Most of its branches spread out, not up, and it is only a little bit taller than I am. The tree’s shadow hits the sidewalk and splatters onto the other side. A few of the leaves are scattered under it, and some are lying across the lawn. One of the branches stretches up to meet the pure blue sky, and the light filters through the leaves to make them glow a dull green.
By Jonah

The stepping stones that start at the odd octagon building to the end of modular B are not strait at all, but they are very square.  They where a reddish-brown color originally but now they are a whitish-red color, or simply pale red.  From the end of modular B to the beginning octagon building total there are about 45 stepping stones.  One of them is darker red in color.  You can tell that the stone has been replace because it is darker than the red.  You can also tell this because on the ground next to it there are little rocks and some red dust.  On top of these little faded squares there is a small spot of white, because the sun faded their heads.  The yard around the pathway is very high, and some stones even have grass growing on them.  Last but not least, on of the little stairs is really a pot hole.  Look out!
The Girl in the Reflection
by Tessa

    She steps out into the cold, gray, rainy day. She’s walking out on her

own going anywhere just to forget the pain. Now she is walking alongside of

a large building with reflective windows. She looks inside, in hope of seeing

someone. She thinks she see’s someone, but then realizes she’s seeing her

own cold reflection. How well does she really know herself?

    This thought contributes to the cold chill sent up her spine by the rain.  

She now regrets not wearing her thick black hooded sweater. The rain starts

beating away at her sanity. She tries to neutralize the sound by plugging in

her ear buds and starts listening to “Breaking the Noise” by Satellites and

Sirens. “You’re breaking the noise and I start to hear your voice and I’m left

with no other choice but to love you, and I’m hanging onto every little word

now.”  She starts singing along with the chorus and has a very distinctive and  

pleasing voice, almost like silk against bare skin.

    Wait what’s that? She notices that the sun is starting to break through the

storm, momentarily. She smiles blissfully in the sunlight. The warmth on her

cheeks gives her a moment of peace, it makes her feel better, not so alone.

She had forgotten that she’s never really alone. But, it’s understandable

when life is crashing down all around you, and there’s nothing you can do

about it. She’s trying to keep faith. She’s fighting against the darkness that
tries to choke off her soul. It gets so overwhelming sometimes, like she

can’t move, or make a sound, so know one knows to help her because they

can’t hear her silent needy cries. But she’s not weak enough to just let go.

 And that’s what matter’s Isn’t it?

    Sometimes life just gets out of hand and out of your control. But that

doesn’t matter because God is the one always in control. She also

forgets this too often.

    Then she is startled when someone grabs her arm. She soon is lost in

the bright blue eyes before her, then takes a step back and quickly identifies

the person by his bleached-blonde hair. He was once her best friend, but life

has just torn them apart. He says “Hey, haven’t talked to you in a while.” She

replies “Yes, it has been too long. I’ve missed you,” and laughs insincerely.  He

knows something is wrong right away. “So what’s been going on with you?

Is there something wrong?” he asks. She thinks a moment and decides that she

could use someone to talk to about her trouble’s.  She begins to tell him. “I’ve

been having a pretty hard time lately.” He gives her a questionable look that asks

why and she thinks of something to say without being obvious about what she’s

really going through. She says hesitantly, “But I’m making it through.” He

softens his face a little bit.  She turns the attention to him by asking, “What have

you been up to?” He says “well, not much really” and they keep walking and
talking, catching up with what has been going on with each other. She finds a

much needed friend, that she really had along. She found new hope from a

familiar figures that’s been in her life for sometime, just a forgotten friend.
Hey Everyone!

I wanted to give you just a little recap of some of the advice I gave in class about writing a compare and contrast paper. Remember I called it a "mini essay" because I just want you to write a few paragraphs (1-2 pgs double spaced) comparing and contrasting "To Build a Fire" and "The Most Dangerous Game." Here's an outline of the paragraphs.

Intro Paragraph: Give a basic introduction to the two stories and generally point out that there are similarities and differences between the two (that is essentially your thesis, or main idea for the paper).

Paragraph Two: Similarities- In a paragraph highlight some of the similarities between the two stories. Transition to your next paragraph.

Paragraph Three:Differences- In a paragraph highlight how the stories are different from each other. (You can reverse the order if you would rather write about the differences first.)

Conclusion: In a paragraph sum up you main ideas and suggest why it might be helpful to read or study the two stories together.

Use the Venn Diagram to get your thoughts organized. If you need some further help with Comparing/Contrasting here is a useful link from the University of North Carolina's Writing Center. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help if you have questions.

Here is link to a version that has audio with it too:

Also, e-notes has vocabulary help, and an option to download the PDF:

Full text from

Please find a few biographical facts on Jack London for Monday's class!!!

Interactive Question: If you were the dog in "To Build a Fire" what would be your point of view?
Please read the story "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote.

Homework Questions: Answer the following questions using specifics from the story. Turn the answers in Monday, August 23rd in class.

1. Describe the setting of the story as described in the first paragraph.

2. What do we learn about Buddy's Friend in the first few paragraphs of the story?

3. The story describes the baby carriage as a "faithful object" what do you think this means? Give evidence from the story.

4. What do Buddy and his friend do to make sure that they do not have exactly $13.00?

5. Where did Mr. Haha Jones get his name?

6. Do you agree with Mr. Haha's reputation, why or why not?

7. " friend gently reflects: 'I doubt it. There's never two of anything.' " What do you think Buddy's friend means by this? Is there a deeper level of meaning?

8. What is this quote an example of? "..but the beginnings of dawn splash us like cold water..."

9. How does "life separate" the two friends?

10. Re-read the last paragraph, how does the author effectively use simile to describe the grief he feels?

Interactive Question: Answer this question here on the blog.

What was the most vivid part of this short story in your mind and why?

Be ready to discuss the story in class!!!
Are you enjoying your last few days of summer? I hope you have had a good break from schoolwork and that you are refreshed and ready to hit the books ;).
I am really looking forward to getting to know you all this Monday, I feel like this is going to be a really great class!

Make sure you get a chance to sign up for your engrade account, purchase your Journals (you WILL need those on the first day) and track down a vocabulary book.

Feel free to leave a comment here and tell us what the best part of your summer was...
See you all very soon!

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